
Oral and maxillofacial surgeons have extensive training in anesthesia during their six additional years of hospital-based surgical residency training. The expert oral and maxillofacial surgeons at Bay Area OSM have completed this training and offer customized anesthesia to ensure your comfort during any procedure. If you’re looking for an oral surgeon, call one of our Bay Area OSM offices or schedule a consultation online today.

What anesthesia options are available?

Our Bay Area OSM offices offer modern anesthesia services to ensure you have little to no discomfort during your procedure. Depending on the specific operation, your surgeon may provide one or more of the following anesthesia options.


Local anesthesia is an injection that numbs the tissue in the surgical area. Your surgeon may use this before a tooth extraction or in combination with another type of sedation for more advanced surgery.


Nitrous oxide, which is also referred to as laughing gas, helps you relax while remaining conscious. You wear a small mask over your nose and inhale the nitrous oxide-oxygen mixture throughout your procedure. The effects wear off soon after your mask is removed.


Intravenous sedation allows you to enter a dreamlike state, in which you’re not quite conscious or unconscious but floating comfortably in between. Your surgeon can customize the strength of intravenous sedation to meet your needs.


General anesthesia usually combines intravenous and gaseous sedatives to put you to sleep for the duration of a surgical procedure. In addition to making you unconscious, general anesthesia also prevents your brain from responding to pain signals or reflexes.

Your surgeon discusses your sedation options during your pre-op consultation and provides a recommendation. They will explain the benefits and risks of each type and answer all your questions.

What are the benefits of anesthesia?

Anesthesia allows you to relax and have oral procedures without pain or anxiety. Around 75% of Americans are afraid of dental and oral procedures to some degree. Anesthesia can help you get the treatment you need to protect and improve your oral and overall health and wellness.


While there is always a small risk associated with anesthesia, you’re in excellent hands with the oral and maxillofacial surgeons at Bay Area OSM. They comply with California state rules and regulations on anesthesia administration. As a member of AAOMS, the surgeons periodically undergo an onsite anesthesia inspection or reevaluation as part of the AAOMS office anesthesia evaluation program. AAOMS requirements are strict and often exceed those mandated by the state law.

What should I expect during anesthesia?

When you have anesthesia, you will drift off to a comfortable, relaxed state or slip into unconsciousness and will stay that way throughout your surgery.

When your procedure is complete, the effects of the anesthesia wear off. You may feel groggy or confused for a while and should have a friend or family member drive you home when your surgeon releases you.

Frequently Asked Questions


It is very unlikely that you will be aware of anything during general anesthetic. Most people will only wake up as soon as the anesthetic is stopped or begins to wear off. One large study conducted found that only 1 in 20,000 patients were accidentally aware during general anesthesia. Improvements in technology and science have improved the monitoring of a patient so that chances of it happening are very rare. If you appear to be lacking the necessary anesthetic then someone will be on hand to administer the right amount you need.


Allergic reactions are possible with almost any drug. You will be monitored throughout your procedure to see how you are reacting to the anesthesia. If it is noticed that you are reacting badly, then the operation can be stopped.

It’s important to let your surgeon know ahead of the surgery if you have any allergies to any other drug. If it falls into the same family as anesthetics, then it may indicate an intolerance to anesthesia as well.


Feeling confused is not uncommon after you have had surgery using an anesthetic, especially among the elderly. It can affect things such as behavior and memory and you may notice that more difficult tasks such as getting dressed or doing the crossword are harder to do. Most people make a full recovery.

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