Tori Removal

If you notice a bony growth on the roof of your mouth, or a bony growth in the mandible along the surface nearest to the tongue, don’t be alarmed. Most likely it’s a torus. Though nothing to be fearful of, a torus can interfere with your dental appliances and impact your oral hygiene. The surgeons at Bay Area OSM offer tori removal surgery for those impacted by this uncomfortable growth. Book an appointment online or call one of our offices to speak with a team member today.

Does my torus need to be removed?

Though a torus isn’t exactly a medical concern, it can interfere with oral hygiene and prosthetic and orthodontic devices. You might consider tori removal surgery at one of our Bay Area OSM offices for a number of reasons. Some include:

  • It affects your speech
  • Makes it difficult to chew your food
  • Before being fit for dentures
  • To make room for certain orthodontic devices
  • Prior to implant surgery
  • Cause issues with oral hygiene

If your torus isn’t interfering with your life, it is usually left in place. If your torus has become uncomfortable or a nuisance, schedule a consultation with our dedicated team of surgeons. They will help provide answers as to whether your torus needs to be removed.

How is tori surgery performed?

Often tori surgery is performed with high-speed dental drill bits and dental chisels. During the procedure, your Bay Area OSM specialist will make sure you don’t feel a thing by providing local anesthetics and sedation if necessary. Though the surgery itself won’t be painful, tori removal can be a bit uncomfortable.

Another method of tori removal is done via lasers. Though not appropriate in all cases, this method provides excellent accuracy and less palate trauma than traditional tori surgery. With laser surgery, there is also less risk of postoperative infections.  

What's recovery like after tori removal?

After roughly a week, most of the pain from your tori removal should subside. Directly following your procedure you can expect some swelling. Your surgeon might prescribe you some pain management or suggest over-the-counter pain medication. You may also be advised to rinse your mouth out with saltwater. Follow the instructions of your provider.


There is a very rare chance of complications arising during tori surgery. However, as with all surgical procedures, dental tori removal can bring the possibility of infections. Other side effects of tori removal may include bleeding, swelling, and some pain.

If you have had tori surgery and experience additional bleeding, excessive pain, and swelling that won’t go down, you may have a possible infection. If you detect a fever and nausea, call your doctor. Mandibular tori usually grow back. It is best to address the underlying causes and treat them. Doing so may help prevent the need for further tori removal.

Frequently Asked Questions


Researchers have not specifically identified what may cause a torus, but there is a strong link to suggest that genetic factors are involved. This means that a person with a torus is likely to pass the condition on to their children.

Another possible cause could be a person’s diet. Researchers that studied the occurrences of tori discovered that it is most commonly seen in countries that eat a lot of saltwater fish such as Japan, Croatia, and Norway. There are high levels of polyunsaturated fats and vitamin D found in saltwater fish, two essential nutrients for bone growth.

Another possible cause is teeth grinding or clenching. Some researchers believe that there is a connection with tori and the pressure placed on the tiny bones in your mouth during clenching or teeth grinding. However, not all researchers agree with this conclusion.

Finally, some researchers have seen a link between high bone density and the occurrence of tori. They discovered that postmenopausal women with a moderate to large torus were more likely to have a high bone density. Obviously, the research at this time is limited but it does offer an interesting observation that should not be dismissed.


There is no definite answer to this question. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t. They are commonly seen to grow back in older patients. What’s important to remember is that it’s not always necessary to remove your torus.

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